Liberty Utilities is an operating company of Algonquin Power, serving over 1 million customers across 13 US States and 1 Canadian Province with some $6.8BN in regulated utility assets.
On this episode, our guest is Jason Grossman, Manager - Vegetation Management at Liberty Utilities (Missouri). In this discussion, Jason will cover:
How he got started in Utility Vegetation Management
The impact of ice storms on the grid and the role of vegetation management in response efforts
The role of the Missouri Public Service Commission in setting funding requirements
Liberty Utilities (Missouri) reliability statistics vs. benchmarks (SAIDI, SAIFI)
Integrated Vegetation Management and responsible stewardship
New technology and the impact of this on the Liberty Utilities (Missouri) VM program
This is the first utility interview published by The UVM Podcast. If you have any feedback on the episode or suggestions for topics you’d like us to cover in future episodes, please feel free to get in contact at
